Sundry bits and bobs on the blog today – might try for a full-length post in a few days, but for now, sundry newsbursts from Nick-land…
The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf on WHAT pad?

If you want to read The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf, the first book in my darkly-comic crime Hobson & Choi series, without shelling out cash, I’m currently serialising it on Wattpad, the popular story-sharing site. Plus you can read H&C old-school, serialised with cliffhangers, a format I still have a huge amount of affection for.
Chapters are going up every other day (next one tomorrow) and there’s only fifteen of them, so it should be all there fairly soon.
Check it out and if you have a Wattpad account and feel like throwing in a vote or comment, go for it.
Phantom of the Space Opera – Competition ongoing!
Remember my competition from last week? The one where you had to guess which chapter I wrote in the team-written book from Nine Worlds? Well, no winners yet, so because I feel like it, rather than tell you the answer, I’m going to just leave it hanging.
Once one human being (not one of the ones who has told me they got the answer in a way other than reading it) emails the correct answer to, I’ll send them a copy of The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf, signed or unsigned as per their will. Maybe some other gift as well, I’ve got a few spare comics and stuff hanging around.
Once that happens, I’ll post the right answer here. Check the original blog post for the full details of what that’s all about.
Trapped In The Bargain Basement soon to be released!
Last and definitely not least, the third Hobson & Choi book Trapped In The Bargain Basement is finally more or less ready to be released into the community! It’s taken some work – specifically, a set of rewrites so massive that I’ve had to remove the original webseries version from the internet because it embarrasses me.
But we have a final text, nearly a final cover, it’s all very close. I’m not going to say anything specific like a date yet, but Trapped should be with you by this time next month, let’s put it that way. So even sooner than that, there might be a cover reveal. Gosh.
However, if you have a blog and would like a review copy so you can post something near the release date, do email me or something and I can probably get it to you reasonably soon. If you definitely have a blog/other outlet for reviews and desperately want to cover the whole series, I may even be able to supply all three.