In the near future, the moon has been pressed into service as a warehouse for the vast data archive created by our constant internet use.
But now those billions of cat memes come under threat from a computer virus. Two astronauts must travel through this strange landscape to save them, completely alone apart from the passing thoughts of everyone.
Moonframe is a new twenty-page sci-fi/horror one-shot comic written by Nick Bryan (The Little Deaths of Watson Tower), atmospherically illustrated by Lucas Peverill (Futurequake, Sliced Quarterly) and lettered by DC Hopkins (Star Trek, Accel, Trespasser).
It's a spooky, darkly funny and ultimately emotional story combining Black Mirror's dark tech satire and The Martian's sincere battle for survival in space. The book is Nick Bryan's follow-up comic to The Little Deaths of Watson Tower (Pipedream's #48 indie comic of 2018) and the first full-length standalone comic by Lucas Peverill.
Buy your copy now directly in print or as a DRM-free PDF! It's also available for reading as part of your Comichaus app subscription.
You can see some preview pages below - click on them or here to view at a readable size. If you want to review the comic for a website/podcast/other comics outlet or stock it in a shop, email nick@nickbryan.com.

"If you're a fan of suspenseful thrillers in space, this is the indie comic for you. The concept is unique, and immediately pulls you in. Nick Bryan builds that tension and Lucas Peverill's textures make it feel real." - Matt Ligeti, The Comic Yeti
"Moonframe is great, smart fun. It explores its idea from multiple angles, tells you no lies and is ridiculously well put together. The team behind it is top notch too and I look forward to their next work." - Alasdair Stuart, The Full Lid
"The creative team here are as well suited as the characters in the story... a polished & poignant vibe that feeds of the tension of the situation... the concept feels fresh and ultimately delivers on being an entertaining read that's worth multiple revisits." - G-Man, Comichaus