Hello.After many Twitter mumblings and late-into-the-night formatting sessions, I’m excited to report that the fourth book in the Hobson & Choi series is happening!
It’s called Blood Will Stream, it’s about the locked-room murder of a YouTuber and it should be with you on 4th October 2016, just under a year after the third one.

Which is exciting in itself, but also means another cool part of any Hobson & Choi book launch – a new cover by Design For Writers! As you can see, they’ve very much taken the online streaming theme and run with it.
To go alongside that, here’s a nice sales blurb:
“I used to think knowing people just by online handles was totally cool, but these internet murders might be changing my mind.”
After YouTuber GrazGrim is found dead in his locked bedroom-studio, the police are ready to write it off as a suicide.
The online fandom only have one chance for justice: John Hobson and Angelina Choi, internet detectives!
But can Angelina persuade Hobson to take the case on? And will anyone like what they find?
Blood Will Stream is the fourth book in this darkly comic London crime series. The detectives are back in whodunnit territory, revisiting their love-hate relationship with the internet.
Hobson & Choi has been #1 in Dark Comedy on Amazon, broken records on Jukepop Serials and now returns with an all-new mystery never seen anywhere else!
So there we go. This is really happening. As the blurb implies, this is the first H&C book written specifically for book format, rather than forged from rewritten webserial chapters, and I think it’s the best yet. Although it does mean I haven’t had any pre-validation from online comments.
Still, if you want to validate me, you can always pre-order using the links below! (Seamless…)
And it’s also on Goodreads here for those of you who go there. If you have a blog, YouTube channel or other book reviewing outlet and want a review copy, email me at nick@nickbryan.com and we can probably work something out.
Probably some more stuff to come – it has been pointed out that one suitable promo campaign for this book would be to do some YouTube videos, so you might get to see that over the next few weeks. You lucky, lucky people.Now, as has become tradition, it’s 3D time…